Where I end and you begin

Where I end and you begin

Opening night: 6 May 2015

Artist talk: 28th May 2015


 Where I end and you begin responds to the teeming multiplicity of the body and explores the emotional and biological possibilities of the parasitic relationship. Through a decorative and hyper-colour collection of large-scale soft sculptures and stop motion videos, I readdresses the body as both a physical and emotive landscape full of abject beauty and playful monstrosities. Combining the imaginary and autobiographical with occurrences in nature and the human body, Where I end and you begin examines the poetic connotations surrounding destructive dependency and the host body's sacrificial role as home.

                      View the catalogue featuring an essay by the fabulous Dr Donal Fitzpatrick.

Watch the video work here: where I end and you begin

Gallery documentation: First Draft Gallery

 instagram @wolf_manda
features studio progress & exhibition install & general ruckus

#fdwhereiendandyoubegin  #amandawolf
